Through the Creating and Maintaining Safe Environment Policy, the Archdiocese of Miami is keeping the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ promise to protect children.  It is a responsibility taken seriously as it speaks directly to the protection of children placed in our care, whether at our schools, parishes, or healthcare facilities.  To this end, all employees and all volunteers must successfully pass a background check, be Virtus trained, and sign a Pledge to Promote Safe Environment.  

This, of course, includes chaperones even if the spouse of an employee.  It doesn’t matter if it is someone attending every field trip or someone spending one evening, perhaps at the prom, with children.  Everyone with access to children must comply: 
clergy, employee, volunteers, even chaperones at dances and their spouses.  It is not about the trust of the chaperone, it is about protecting children.  

All Personnel, including applicants offered a position, independent contractors and volunteers working with Vulnerable Persons are required to successfully complete safe environment training through the Virtus program. For new Church Personnel, Virtus training must be completed within 45 days of hire. 

Safe Environment Office/ Virtus Training

The Archdiocese of Miami, in ongoing efforts to provide safe environments to our children and vulnerable adults, requires all employees and those volunteers working with children or vulnerable adults complete Virtus training. Sessions are held throughout the three county Archdiocese. Participants may attend any of the sessions. 

  • To register for a Virtus "Protecting God's Children for Adults" session:
    • Log in to and click on "first time registrant" located in the column on the left hand side of the page.
    • Next choose "begin the registration process" and choose Miami as the "organization" by scrolling down to the "M's" for Miami to find it.
    • Follow the prompts and select the session you want to attend. 
  • Virtus training sessions run approximately three hours long. Due to the subject matter, children are not allowed in the sessions.
  • This is an audited program so participants will not be allowed to enter if arriving late, nor will their attendance be counted if they leave early.
  • When arriving at the session, sign the sign-in sheet.
  • Once your attendance is verified and your account activated you will be able to log in and print your certificate of completion anytime through your Virtus account.
  • For questions please contact: 
    • J. Rayburn in the Safe Environment office via email or 305-762-1250.