
Technology Mission Statement

Technology at BTS is implemented to prepare our students for the rigors of a 21st century life, enabling our students to be leaders in the workplace, the home, and our communities.

Technology shall empower our students to be a creative and positive force in our world, with a strong moral and ethical foundation centered around the school's mission to "witness and nurture the transforming power of the teaching's of Christ." BTS technology will be provided in a safe and positive environment that fosters growth and exploration.


Technology Vision Statement

21st century leaders will thrive in a technology-laden environment by: 

  1. Adapting to new social and technological paradigms
  2. Demonstrating strong critical thinking abilities to discern fact from a sea of information
  3. Leveraging technology to creatively and effectively communicate new, and positive ideas

BTS students will be well-equipped to leverage technology as a force for personal, intellectual and moral growth to become a positive force in their communities. Students will be exposed to different operating systems and technologies throughout their time at Blessed Trinity so as to better prepare them for the variety of tools found in the 21st century workplace. 



  • 1:1 iPad Program from Kinder through 5th grade
  • 1:1 Chromebook Program from 6th through 8th grade
  • Cross-curriculum approach to technology skill acquisition ensuring that every classroom is a technology classroom.

Creation over Consumption 

  • Technology adopted as a means to foster creative thinking and creativity.
  • Project-focused learning incorporating multiple media platforms.
  • Focus on collaborative learning, problem identification and problem solving.


  • Strong digital citizenship component with a focus on self-directed decision-making.
  • Rigorous filtering to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.
  • Focus on information analysis, discernment and critical thinking.